About Us

  • Winnifred Elinor Tevis RN CGC TKN

    Wynnie is a whole lot of mixed breed goodness, or, according to the AKC, an “All-American Dog”. She is a foster “fail,” and came to live with her mom and dad when she was just 5 weeks old after she and her littermates were rescued from a hoarding/puppy mill situation.


    75 lbs
    3 years old
    3 AKC companion titles
    42 foster animals
    1 AKC rally title
    3 brothers (2 cats & 1 dog)
    9 ribbons
    12 semesters of class
    2 emergency vet visits
    3 semesters as a demo dog/teaching assistant
    1 parent she listens to (Dak)
    1 parent who spoils her (Brennen)
    2 foster kiddos

    Wynnie thinks ball is life, and enjoys playing with kitty toys and dog toys built for dogs that weigh 60lbs less than her. Wynnie loves kids and thinks it is super magical that they look her in the eyes when they’re both standing on the ground. Wynnie sleeps with her mom under the blanket every night, and her feline brother Pablo cuddles up right next to her head.

    Wynnie met a parrot at a nursing home doing a therapy visit once and it talked to her in a human voice and said human words and she thinks about that a lot.

  • Dakota Tevis, BMA, M.Ed.

    Dakota is a Ph.D. student in cognitive psychology with a research interest in teaching humans how to interact with dogs (all of a sudden this makes sense, right?), and metacognitive awareness. They’re a volunteer trainer with the Dayton Dog Training Club, an active cat and dog foster with Wynnie’s rescue, SICSA, a Dayton Philharmonic volunteer educator, a teaching associate at the Boonshoft School of Medicine, a full time employee at Honda where she teaches people how to make cars, and a very sleepy person.

    Dakota’s got a bachelor’s degree in music education and a master’s degree in instructional design.

    Dakota has 2 dogs, Wynnie and her brother Barnaby (9), 2 cats, Pippin (5) and Pablo (4), and 1 husband, Brennen (31).